IntroductionThis is an advanced online course on marine navigation, providing you with the 'conditio sine qua non' of offshore sailing. Nowadays most sailors tend to rely on modern equipment like differential GPS or Radar to navigate them through hazardous waters. Not only is such reliance unwanted and possibly dangerous, also the act of navigating by yourself is actually a lot of fun.So what is 'navigation'? "Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse" is latin for: to sail is vital, to live is not. This phrase tells us that both sailing and the 'conditio' of positioning are highly intertwined. Indeed, the art of navigation enables you to set a course and sail to your destination by using only nautical charts, a compass and your common sense.
The aim of this course is to teach you how to navigate safely while using the minimum of resources: methods which have been in use since the Middle Ages, and are still applied by the professionals. Indeed, this course greatly extends on - for instance - the RYA course and gives you the insight and feel of a seasoned navigator.
Chapter 1 - Positions
Math - Running Fixes
Blurbs"Wonderful" material, I run a school in Canada and have never come across materials on the net like this. Do you have a book or can we purchase a disk for training purposes? Regards,
Hi. A great site, your nav course is very well developed. I am an instructor of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard.
Truly fantastic site. This navigation tutorial was stimulating. I want to throw my GPS overboard.
Bob Church
Excellent course. I can tell that you have taken a lot of time to develop this. |