Mathematics: Running fixes

The sum of angles in a triangle is 180°

construction 180 degrees total triangle navigation

Draw a triangle ABC, then draw a line DAE parallel to line BC.
Now, angles α and β in the triangle equal angles DAB and EAC, respectively.
Therefore, the sum of angles in the triangle is 180° : a straight line.

“Doubling the angle” yields two equal angles

If 2 × Alpha = Beta than 
Gamma = Alpha.
α = 30° , β = 60°
thus γ = 30°

So, α + δ + γ = 180°
α + 180 − β + γ = 180°
2α = β
α + 180 − 2α + γ = 180°
180° − α + γ = 180°
α + γ = 0
γ = α

Two equal angles render an triangle isosceles

isosceles triangle if two angles are equal

In the triangle aboveon the right, α = γ and β = 2α.
By constructing the bisector h of angle β we create two little triangles in which x = y.
Therefore, d1 = d2.

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or back to chapter 5 of the navigation course,
or (learn to) sail (bareboat or in flotillas) in Greece and beyond…