Unbiased advice on yacht charters

You have reached a free and personal website providing unique information on marine navigation and sailing holidays in Greece, Croatia and Turkey.

This website continuously grows and has become the leading internet resource on Greek, Adriatic and Turkish yacht charter holidays, way ahead of the commercial travel sites.
Free and impartial intelligence on the yacht charter companies and fleets.


Sailing holidays & navigation courses

  • My navigation course is highly acclaimed and recommended by experts all over the world. You will learn how to navigate safely with traditional methods that have been in use since the Middle Ages, and are still applied by the professionals
  • Guide: 8 steps towards a perfect sailing holiday is a unique resource helps you organise your ideal sailing holidays, taking into account the myriad options like: where and when to sail, bareboat (catamaran), flotillas, assisted (ABC) or rather a blue cruise.
  • Request free and unbiased advice on yacht charter companies  – a wealth of visitors have shared their charter experiences with me. Moreover, I myself have made the mistake of sailing with inferior yachts and fleets, before finding the trustworthy charter companies. So, if you would like my independent advice on reliable yacht charters, either bareboat or crewed, you are welcome to contact me via email or form. Please, do leave yacht charter reviews of your previous trips.
