If you wish to exchange links, please
contact me and I will be happy to include your website on my links page or elsewhere.
Please link to the following URLs within my website rather than the homepage:
Static – 2.2 kb
<a href="http://www.sailingissues.com/index.html" title="Yacht charters guide to Greece and Turkey">
<img src="bann.png" border="0" width="234" height="60"></a>
Animated button – 3 kb
<a href="http://www.sailingissues.com/index.html" title="Guide to yacht charters - navigation courses">
<img src="ban2ani.gif" border="0" width="100" height="100"></a>
Static button – 2.3 kb
<a href="http://www.sailingissues.com/index.html" title="Navigation courses, sailing instruction and yacht charters">
<img src="ban2-32.png" border="0" width="100" height="100"></a>
Animated button – 2.8 kb
<a href="http://www.sailingissues.com/index.html" title="Navigation courses, sailing instruction and yacht charters">
<img src="navani.gif" border="0" width="100" height="100"></a>
Static button – 2.2 kb
<a href="http://www.sailingissues.com/index.html" title="Navigation courses, sailing instruction and yacht charters">
<img src="bannav.png" border="0" width="100" height="100"></a>
Animated button – 1.3 kb
<a href="http://www.sailingissues.com/index.html" title="Navigation courses, sailing instruction and yacht charters">
<img src="bannermini.gif" border="0" width="88" height="31"></a>