Yacht charters Croatia

Thousands of visitors have shared their yacht charter experiences with me and you also could help other sailors by rating the charter company you sailed with in Croatia.

These reports show that there are huge differences between yacht charter companies. Some with awful services, but fortunately also a handful of trustworthy fleet owners, with prices that are very competitive.

For the Ionian and Aegean please see my Yacht charters in Greece and Turkey page. 

The Kornati archipelago consists of ~140 islands, 89 of which are a protected National Park.

Request charter information

If you would like me to help you find those reliable companies
email me
and to perhaps prevent you from embarking with known troublesome fleets use the following form or simply
I hope you stay clear of companies that obviously spend a lot of their budget on marketing instead on service and maintenance!
So, to find the best local fleets for you, feel free fill out the form below to receive a personal and human response.

Charter advice request form

Note, that you cannot use the forms if you are related to the travel industry: this free service is for consumers only !
Pref.  Saturday
Pref.  Saturday

If the form doesn't work you can also use e-mail
Please mention whether you prefer bareboat/skipper, which period and how many weeks, preferred sailing area and with how many persons you plan to sail, etc, so that I can help you better.

Sailing holidays Kornati islands Croatia
Sailing past Tajer lighthouse on Vela Sestrica, westernmost part of the Kornati islands, between Zadar and Šibernik. Hi-res image

Report your charter experiences

Many visitors have already shared their charter experiences with me. By taking the time to fill in the following form you will help other yachtspersons finding a reliable and trustworthy charter company. Your report – and any part of it – will be treated strictly confidential and will therefore not be passed on to the corresponding charter companies or any other party.
Thank you for your time !

Report form

Please rate:
Safety of yacht
Luxuriousness of yacht
Service provided by yacht crew

The best tips

  • Rent your catamaran or yacht about 9 months in advance : more affordable pricing, more choice as well as options like one-ways or 10 days still possible.
  • Budget tips.
  • In two weeks  “2”  sailing you will see three times  “3”  as much as in one week  “1” 
  • Charter your yacht or catamaran directly with the fleet owner; avoid the agent or middleman.

Further reading

Coastal navigation courses 
Choosing your ideal charter yacht
“Yachts”  versus  “Catamarans”
Sailing guide to Croatia
Gulet charters Croatia
Gulets & blue cruises Turkey
Ionian sea: Corfu

Sailing yachts off Dubrovnik old town.