Chalkidiki sailing holidays
Strong winds are a feature of Lémnos - Λήμνος island, especially in August and during the winter, hence its nickname “the wind-ridden one” (in Greek, Ανεμόεσσα).
Chalkidiki ports & anchorages
Sithonia peninsula
Porto Koufo
The entrance to the closed natural harbour of Pórto Koufó - Πόρτο Κουφό is magnificent. The larger and commercial pier on the East is reserved for 4 quite large fishing vessels (roughly until May), after which it allows guest boats to moor alongside. If the fishing fleet arrives you get 5 minutes to leave, which is of course impossible (we and an Austrian yacht stayed and the fishing vessels doubled up). Since it is their pier, sailing yachts should also double up, and expect a noisy night if fish gets offloaded.
The smaller (West) pontoon offers a few spaces, but at the extremity has about 2.1 m depths; Eagleray shows a deeper section at the extremity, (anymore) not correct, and as an aside: “Koufós (deaf) owes its name to the fact that no sounds of the waves in the bay can be heard”. The ancient town of Toroni 3 millennium BCE was located on the top of the hill West. There is no direct route, 40 min. hike.
Although hardly a village, it offers good tavernas (Tzitzikas was a delight!), a mini-market, laundry service, fuel. Mind that the water on the quay is not drinkable.
Garmin and Eagleray mention a chain fouling the seabed, but there are also nettings and other garbage visible, use tripline if you decide to anchor here.
Bottom with posidonia and hard mud, only reliable holding if your anchor is well dug in.
The bay of Sykiá - Συκιά should be approached from the East, or keep 0.5 NM off the coast, in order to avoid Skepes shoal and its visible rocks to the SE of the entrance of the wider bay! The little but modernised port is known as Skála Sykiás - Σκάλα Συκιάς or the “harbour” of Pigadáki - Πηγαδάκι.
The pier has been extended in 2019 and 2020, doubling in length and yielding two alongside berths on the North side, which is not a good place in Northerlies, or with swell from a (rare) passing larger ships. Several guides including Eagleray mention that it is no longer recommended to go stern-to the head of the pier since there are cables. These however protude only ever so slightly, and we were even able to go alongside the tip, plus we had a twin-rudder yacht this time.
On the Northern side of the pier mind the rocks at the first 5 bollards counting from land.
Fishermen claim the inside of the pier, yet these are the premium spots. In fact, since two years, a dilapidated daytrip vessel has taken up residence on the inside of the new section.
The WC / Shower facilities remain unfinished, despite yet a new opening promise for 2024 sailing season; water and electric eventually by card, but these won't be working soon.
Two tavernas next door: “Five steps in the sand” and “Zambakos”; Supermarket at the camping around 1.5 km; diesel fuel: +30 2375 041863. In front of “To Akrogiali” restaurant, you will find the perfect beach for small children with nice sand and smooth rocks.
Achlada • Sarti
The beach of Achláda - Αχλάδα and the small commercial fishing port of Sárti - Σάρτη offer few if any berths for visiting yachts, as the whole quay is reserved for trawlers and local vessels. Perfect in Northerlies if you are fortunately to find a berth: go along-side or stern-to. Approach from the East or ESE, because the rocks, that are visible at the SE side of the entrance, extend some 200 m offshore below the surface (sometimes marked with a buoy). There are no facilities. Anglers and fishermen are busy during the night as well.